Thursday, 15 September 2016

thank you to my sister

I'm fortunate enough to have very young siblings.

Fortunate in the way that if I ever need an opinion, I can rely on them to be brutally honest.

I ordered new glasses online. I don't know why I do this, they never fit me like the picture. I ordered them regardless. They arrived a few days later and I ask my 5 year old sister how they look.

"Well... Not very good," she told me. 

I showed her the second pair.

"Oh yeah, those ones are nicer... but still don't look very nice on you."

Thank you, Coco. I can always rely on you to knock me down a few notches

Sunday, 14 August 2016


Happy 20th to me. It actually happened 2 months ago, I've neglected uploading this blog in a long time. There were factors in my life that made me lose motivation to cook and bake. I also gave up being a vegetarian last month, so I don't really cook anything that looks picture-worthy.

It was a mix of things that lead to me stop blogging. But it was also those things that made me start blogging in the first place. I felt lonely, but I also felt like I had a lot to say and share. I began a blog to have somewhere to put everything, but it then caused me to stress out because I wasn't consistent with the stuff I was writing or with my posting.

So I just stopped writing. For 8 months. Because quitting seemed like the easier option lol

But I still want somewhere to write, because I enjoy doing that and don't really have the opportunity to write anywhere else. So, long story short, I am going to start posting again and try to do it as often as I can. No schedule (probably) but also hopefully no more long hiatus'.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

banana nice-cream

Hey hey hey!

Long time no talk, sorry about that. What can I say? I'm a university student. This semester isn not going good... I am in a super boring history class, an interesting and DIFFICULT physics class and a French class! French is the only class I am actually doing well in. I'm barely keeping my head above water in the other two.

However, something that IS going well is my vegetarian/vegan diet!

I try really hard to be a vegan, but I eat out and I don't know exactly what is in stuff, I am sure I unknowingly eat butter or eggs.

Today I made myself some banana "nice-cream" aka vegan ice-cream.

It was so easy -- for this bowl, I used about 4 bananas that I had froze overnight. I topped it with chia seeds, coconut shavings and some frozen mango.

Frozen mango is my favourite thing to snack on at the moment, it's just so good! I recommend you give it a try if you haven't!

Thanks for reading!

- Iona

Friday, 8 January 2016

banana & orange smoothie bowl

Happy Sunday!

I'm back with yet another smoothie bowl recipe. I am obsessed with these, but I haven't been eating them much in the Fall/Winter. I've been sticking with oatmeal... but oatmeal doesn't make pretty pictures -- smoothie bowls take nice pictures.

A couple of days ago, I made this banana bowl. I never really like to post the exact measurements of ingredients because unless it's baking then it doesn't really matter (and I don't know how much of each I use). So, I'm just going to write what I used and give you a rough idea in the method part.

Banana-Orange Smoothie Bowl
orange juice
almond milk
quick oats
toppings: kiwi, chia seeds, coconut and the best cereal chunks to top.

Blend frozen bananas (I only used 2) with orange juice, almond milk and about a cup of the oats. Use enough liquid to help the blender move, if you know what I mean.
Pour the smoothie into a bowl and add toppings! It's January, so I only have kiwi and apples right now, so I used kiwi and the typical chia seeds and coconut. I also used this AMAZING granola/cereal mix that I love. I'm trying to remake it but haven't found a good enough recipe yet -- but I will share when I do!

Friday, 1 January 2016

hello, 2016!

My year began the way it began last year -- watching fireworks. Only this time, I was with friends instead of family, and I was watching them in person instead of on TV.  I've been lucky and met so many great, new people in the last few months, through school.

2015 was a good year for me, the biggest part of all obviously has to be my schooling. I've found a program I love and, unlike how I felt at the end of 2014, I am finishing 2015 looking forward to the next years of my degree. It feels nice to enjoy the things you're doing.

I am also going into 2016 without a job, which has been a trend for me in the past few years! Maybe not the best trend, but one day I will keep a job for longer than 6 months.

In terms of resolutions, I succeeded in 3 out of 4 of my 2015 promises. I will carry over the "Practise Mindfulness" but that'll be my only resolution, I think. I don't think there's anything else I want to try to change, really. Life seems to be going pretty well right now!

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope it turns out to be a good one.

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